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Blood Bite Thirst

  Chapter one


  The snap of my gum echoed through the tiny cubicle office. It was so clean you’d think it was a hospital. Actually, it was cleaner than most hospitals.

  I needed a drink after another boring week and Doctor Edwards was taking forever to get his little ass back to me.

  Finally, the door opened and the graying old man hurried in. “Sorry for the delay Aura, you know how this goes. If you set up a bank account, the money would already be there for you as soon as you finished your last day.”

  I scoffed. “I’m not letting some bank take my money.” The wad of cash would tide me over for a few months if I was careful. Not that I was ever careful. “Call me if you have another job, okay?”

  Doc bit his lip but nodded. We both knew he needed me as much as I needed them. They were hurting for donors at Top Blood Confidential and the vampires would go nuts if they didn't have a nice human to munch on. I took my gum out and stuck it under the edge of his desk, then took the envelope of bills from his hand and tucked it in my bra. “Thanks.”

  Then I was out of there. My feet carried me to the curb where I caught a cab to the best bar in town.

  Josee's was already busy, and it was only 7pm. The line up went around the corner. I hiked up my skirt as I slipped out of the cab then sauntered on my high heels toward the bouncer, Rick.

  “Look at you,” he muttered as I approached.

  I let my fingers slide through his thick beard and then down his huge chest to caress his pot belly. “Hello handsome,” I let my voice go low and husky. I didn't have to make sweet eyes at him to get him to let me in. My father owned the club, but it was fun to flirt with the huge man.

  He shook his head and grinned from behind the beard. “Your friends are already inside.” He said friends a tone higher because they weren’t really my friends, just some people who liked my father's money and thought playing nice with me would get them somewhere. It wouldn't. My father had pretty much cut me off. That was why I spent at least a week a month hanging out in a rich vampire's house, letting him chew on me. I got paid and got to live my cushy lifestyle, meanwhile daddy could say he wasn’t encouraging my behaviour. As if partying was such a bad thing.

  Everyone needed to let loose and have fun sometimes. My father had apparently forgotten that.

  I slipped past Rick and flowed through the busy club to the bar. A wave to the bartender didn't get his attention. It was a new guy. A hot new guy, but still. I didn't know the last guy’s name, but at least he knew who I was and would get me a drink as soon as he saw me. I sighed and leaned on the bar between two guys who were drinking beer and watching the girls dance on the dance floor. Both of them were college age, boring. All I ever saw was college boys, and all they wanted to do was drink beer. I studied the new bartender until he finally turned my way. I waved at him and he held up two fingers in the universal signal that he will not be getting me a drink right away.

  I grumbled and leaned against the bar again. What did a woman have to do to get a drink around here? I turned to watch the people dancing too. It was more entertaining than watching the new guy pour everyone else's drink.

  “Aura!” I looked to my right and found my horde of friends sitting at a table doing shots. They had a bottle.

  I threw my hands up and abandoned my wait-time in exchange for mooching off the crew. After bumping into a few people, I made my way over and slouched into a chair at the table. All the usuals were there. Mike and Kathy, already making out, Lea and Rob, sitting way too close, and Scott and Stacy who were obviously fighting, judging by the gap between them. What else was new? I grabbed the bottle and poured myself two shots, downing them in quick succession.

  “You got some catching up to do,” Kathy slurred as she broke away from Mike's lips.

  I poured one more shot and raised it to her before downing it. That should catch me up in no time. The music was loud, base pumping, so I stood up to go get lost in the crowd before the alcohol hit me and I decided to just have a nap instead. The secret was to keep moving.

  I pressed through the hot sweaty bodies until I found a nice spot surrounded by hot guys, then I let my hips take over. I swung and shook to the beat, not caring whose hands were on my body. It didn't matter. This was living.

  By last call, I was wasted, but wrapped up in the arms of a lumberjack. Well, he looked like a lumberjack in his plaid shirt with his beard and slicked back hair. The music had lowered, but we still danced. I ran my hands over the lumberjack’s chest, feeling the taught muscles that hid beneath.

  “I’m going to call you Jack,” I mumbled. “Jack, the lumberjack.” Laughter took over, and I thought I might pass out when I bent over, but managed to keep myself upright.

  “You can call me whatever you like, darling. You want to go someplace a little quieter?”

  I leaned in and licked his lips. He tasted like bourbon and chicken wings. “Mmm. Yes, please.”

  “Good bye, new guy!” I called as I passed the bartender.

  “Be safe, Aura,” Rick said as I passed him, Jack’s arm slung around my shoulders.

  I pointed at Rick and used my serious voice. “I’m always safe, Rick.”

  Then I waved at a cab that was sitting at the curb. I was drunk, but not so drunk I would go anywhere with a random guy, so I gave the cabbie my address and then spent the whole ride with my tongue down Jack’s throat.

  Chapter two

  I woke up with the most epic hangover. The sun was burning through the window, turning my retinas to ash behind my closed eyelids. “Fuuuck,” I moaned, rolling over to bury my head in the pillow. The space beside me was warm, and I remembered the lumberjack I had brought home. Peeking an eye open, I glanced around my one-room apartment. He was gone. Thank god. All I needed was an awkward morning to go with the huge hang over. I glanced at the bedside table and saw the time. 10:30. I was about to roll back over and go to sleep, but noticed the white envelope that doctor Edwards had handed me. It was lying on top of my alarm clock, empty.

  I reached out and grabbed it, suddenly fully awake. I looked inside as if I didn't know it was empty. I looked around the floor and under my dirty clothes. My brain screamed at me to sit still, but all spun with the idea that I had been robbed by the damn lumberjack. The money was gone. It was all gone.

  “Fuuuck!” I flopped back on the mattress, to the distress of my pounding head and cursed a few more times. I would find that damn lumberjack and kick his ass. I didn't even know his real name.

  My stomach lurched again, and I fell off the bed, scurrying to the bathroom to dry-heave into the toilet. Talk about insult to injury. I collapsed on the floor beside the toilet and let the cool porcelain tank sooth me. This was how far I had fallen. From heir to my father’s business enterprise to broke, useless and hugging a damn toilet. I slithered back to bed and stayed there the rest of the day, popping pain killers and drinking as much water as I could.

  By the evening, I felt more like myself, but I was still broke. My father would cover my rent if I asked, but I didn't want to. I wanted to stand on my own two feet. Okay, so I hadn't talked to him since he cut me off and was too proud to go crawling back. Same thing.

  So, I took the bus with the last of my change down to Top Blood Confidential. The receptionist behind the desk greeted me.

  “Hello again Aura. Is something wrong? You were just here yesterday.” She frowned, her long-manicured nails tapping the keyboard even as she spoke to me. It was weird, like her hands were possessed.

  “I just was hoping to talk to Doctor Edwards,” I said, shuffling my feet.

  “Oh, okay, let me see if he is available. Have a seat.”

  I turned and sat in one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs. My skirt was sho
rt enough that my thighs stuck to the surface in the heat of the office, but my blouse was almost see-through under the fluorescent lights. A bonus in the club, not so much in the stifling sterile office.

  The receptionist spoke on the phone for a few moments before she set it down and looked up at me. “I’ll buzz you through.”

  I rose, adjusting my skirt and took hold of the doorknob, waiting for her to buzz me in. At the tone I turned the knob and slipped through into the hilarious hippie style living room. The vampires seemed to think it would comfort the humans. It was more like creepy.

  Doc came through the door that separated the living room from the offices and cubicles of Top Blood Confidential. His face lit up with a questioning smile. “Hello Aura, what brings you back so soon?”

  “I was robbed,” I replied, fixing my hair that had blown out of place.

  “Robbed? Are you okay? Did you call the police?”

  “No, and no. I don't exactly know the name of the man who robbed me.” I bit my lip, feeling bad about the true story. “I doubt the police could help, anyway. I just wanted to see if you had another job for me? Preferably today?” There was no food in my apartment. I had forty-five cents left. If he turned me away, I would definitely have to go crawling back to my father and he would have strings attached to the bail-out money. Strings like I had to go to grad school and finish my education or I had to take business classes and get my life together. No thanks.

  Doc looked pensive for a moment, then sighed. “I’ll see what I can come up with. Just wait here for now.”

  “Here?” I asked, looking around at the living room. The couch didn't look comfortable, but it was probably better than the plastic chairs outside.

  “Yes, I’ll be back.”

  I slouched down in the couch, my head ache buzzed behind my eyes as my painkillers were obviously wearing off. So, I tipped my head back and closed my eyes.

  There was a clock ticking somewhere I hadn't noticed before and it lulled me close to the edge of sleep as my mind wandered to the night before. The lumberjack may have been a thieving bastard, but he had been great in bed. His rough hands had slid all over me, slick and hot. The weight of his body when he sank on top of me was delicious.

  There was a buzz and a click and the door to the lobby opened. I looked up at the man who had just walked in and licked my lips. He was massive and delicious. The air puffing out of my lungs as he stepped in, wearing a suit and tie. His shoulders were nearly too wide to pass through the door. His eyes landed on me and his pupils shot wide. He gasped and stumbled as he shut the door behind him.

  “Anne?” he asked, and I wished I my damn name was Anne.

  “Aura,” I replied. The air whooshed out of his lungs again and his nostrils flared.

  “Mate,” he whispered.

  What the fuck?

  Chapter three

  I rose and was about to bolt out of the room, went the other door opened and Doc stepped through. “Ah, Mr. Holland!” he said, extending his hand to the burly man who blocked the other door.

  This Mr. Holland didn’t move through, his eyes didn't even leave me. He just grunted.

  “Is there a problem?” Doc asked from behind me.

  “I was just leaving,” I said, taking a firm step forward. I didn't know who this guy was, but he had better get out of my way. I was nobody’s mate.

  The big man didn't move though, he just tracked me with his eyes, and remained in his place in front of the door.

  “You can’t go,” he whispered when I stood right in front of him. It was no use trying to push him out of my way, he was easily twice my size, his sizzling blue eyes bored holes into me.

  “I can do whatever I want,” I replied. “Doc, tell this guy to move.” I glanced back at Doc and his face had gone pale.

  “Maybe we could all sit down and discuss this? Here, Aura, come sit on the couch. Nobody has to leave.”

  I glared back at the big man, then turned and stomped to the couch. “Fine, but I’m nobody's mate.”

  Doc’s eyes were already round, but they grew rounder as his attention shifted from me to the big man who still hadn’t moved from the door.

  “Well, let’s just talk about more immediate things. You are looking for work and Mr. Holland has come to pick up his donor for the week who has called in to say she has pneumonia. Ordinarily I would call in one of our ‘on call’ donors, but since you are here, perhaps you would like to spend the week with Mr. Holland.” Doc looked at me with weird pleading eyes.

  “Who exactly is this guy? He looks like the Hulk at a business meeting.”

  “My name is Kyle,” the man said, pulling my attention back to him. “I run a private security company.”

  “He is also the brother of the man who owns Top Blood Confidential.”

  I narrowed my eyes at the beast still hovering in front of the door. He was exactly my type. Big and rough looking. His scruffy beard was just a bit longer than a days growth and his hair was styled into a mess, completely the opposite of his finely tailored suit. The material looked so soft and too delicate to contain his hulking form.

  “Isn’t there someone else?” I asked Doc.

  “No,” doc and Kyle said at the same time, though Kyle’s was much firmer.

  I waited a beat, trying to think of another option, but this was it. I had no money, thanks to a one-night stand and no prospects besides spending a week with a clingy bastard who wanted to make me his lifelong chew toy after seeing me for less than a minute.

  “All right, but this is just business. I’m not settling down and having vampire babies with you, so keep your mate talk to yourself.”

  His grin grew the longer I spoke until his damn eyes were twinkling.

  I narrowed my eyes at him, but he didn't get the memo and just kept staring at me like a giddy schoolboy. Whatever. I would get some cash and leave him in my dust. It was only a week.

  “Excellent! I’ll get the paperwork and we can have you all set in just a few moments!” Doc rose and scurried out of the room, closing the door with a decided ‘click’ behind him, leaving me alone with the big burly vampire.

  I chewed my nail and tapped my toe on the floor to fill the awkward silence. Kyle shifted his weight and his shoe squeaked on the shiny tile floor. I kept my eyes diverted to anywhere but him, though I could feel his eyes burning a hole in the side of my head.

  “You’re exquisite,” he said.

  I looked over at him and he grinned again. “Thanks.”

  “My brother found his mate a month ago. Her name is Angelica.”

  “I’m not your mate.”

  His grin didn't falter, he just nodded and mumbled something that sounded like ‘not yet.’

  He would be in for a big surprise in a week when I took off. I would not be tied down. I had plenty of things I still wanted to do before even thinking about marriage, let alone some stupid mate bond.

  “Here we are,” Doc said, sliding back into the room with some papers in his hand. “You can just sign here and be on your way.”

  Kyle strode across the room, hovering right beside me as I picked up the pen and scribbled my name on the line. Then Kyle took the pen, letting his fingers brush against mine as he inhaled my scent. I gasped at the rough feeling of his finger touching mine, then he took a step back and bent over the low table, scribbling his signature. He slapped the pen down and rose to his full height. Standing beside him was deliciously intimidating. I loved how he towered over me, making me feel small. I wasn’t that short at 5 foot 3, but beside him I was tiny.

  “Shall we?” Kyle asked, offering me his arm.

  “Lead on,” I replied, not taking his arm.

  He chuckled, but led me out the door, to his car. It was a jeep wrangler, but had more features than I was used to and was tall and wide, just like Kyle. It was black, with tinted windows, so when I climbed up into it, I felt invisible to the rest of the city.

  Kyle flicked off the radio, which had been playing a local station
. “Do you need to pick up your stuff?”

  “Ah, yeah, that's probably a good idea.” I gave him my address, and we sat in silence as he crossed town towards my messy little one room loft.

  Chapter four

  Kyle insisted on escorting me to my apartment, despite my insistence that I was perfectly capable of getting my own clothes. His eyes rarely left me, even when he drove, he had spent a dangerous amount of time glancing my way. So, I wasn't surprised when we rode up in the elevator, to find his eyes tracing my features in the mirrored wall, but it was intense.

  “Stop,” I said, looking right at him.

  “Stop what?”

  “Stop staring at me. It’s creepy.”

  He grinned. “All right, I’m sorry, mate.”

  That word was like nails on a chalkboard, but he took out his phone and diverted his eyes to that, so at least I wasn't being examined so closely.

  The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open on my floor. I fished my key out of my tiny wallet and unlocked the door. “Don’t judge me.” The place was a disaster still. I had tossed more stuff around while looking for my money, so it was worse than usual.

  I kicked a path to the closet and grabbed some clean clothes, not really caring what I brought. I didn't have to look nice for the vampire. I rooted through my drawers, grabbing socks and underwear, then turned to the bathroom. Kyle was still standing at the door, looking a little struck by the mess.

  “I said don’t judge me. I’ve had a rough day.”

  Kyle raised his hands in surrender, and I gathered my important things from the bathroom. When I stepped back out into the main room, Kyle was bent over my dresser, peeking through my drawers.

  “Hey, perv, get out of my underwear,” my voice came out shrill, but when he stood up, he was holding a bright red thong.

  “You sure you won’t need this?” he asked in a hoarse voice.

  I grabbed the tiny undies form him and stuffed them back in the dresser. “No. You will not be seeing anything beneath my clothes. Now, let’s go.” I stuffed the last of my things in my suitcase and ushered Kyle out of my apartment.