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Blood Bite Thirst Page 2

  He grabbed my suitcase, and I let him. It was heavy. I was sure I didn't need half the stuff in there, but he had flustered me with all this mate talk. He kept a stupid grin on his face as the elevator dropped.

  “Have you never seen underwear before, what is wrong with you?”

  He licked his lips and turned to look at me. “I’ve never seen my mate’s underwear.”

  I slammed the emergency stop button on the elevator, mostly because I had always wanted to do it, but it fit the situation. “Listen to me bucko, I will not be your mate. I am a strong, independent woman and I will do what I want. That means I will have sex with whoever I want. I won't be tied down in some till death do us part crap with anyone!”

  I hit the emergency stop button again, and the car started descending.

  “Okay, you're right. I’m sorry. I’ll try to remember your feelings about the subject. But I have been waiting for my mate for 300 years. Today is a beautiful day.”

  He kept grinning, but his phone kept buzzing too. It was also getting annoying.

  “Answer your phone,” I said as we stepped off the elevator and strode though the lobby.

  I pushed the door open and stepped out into the last of the fading light. I could do this. One week and I would be back to my life.

  “Hey, Everett, I can’t really talk right now.” Kyle said behind me. “Yeah yeah, you can make fun of me later. I have to go.” There was a pause. “Thanks brother.”

  Kyle hit the button to unlock the car and tossed my suitcase in the back, then waited for me to get in and shut the door behind me. He was polite at least. A few of the vamps I had let suck on me were rude old bastards.

  I caught myself watching him as he circled in front of the car and looked away before he slid in and noticed. He was more than just a bit attractive, but when he shot me a cocky grin, I would have fallen down if I hadn't been sitting.


  Kyle started the jeep and pulled out into traffic. “So, Aura, tell me about yourself.”

  “I’d rather not,” I replied, turning up the radio.

  Kyle’s grin didn't falter. He took out his phone and punched a button even though he was driving down the freeway.

  A voice came out of the phone. “What’s up boss?”

  “Can you get me all the info on Aura Bolton?” he said.

  “How do you know my last name?” I asked, shocked. “And who is that?”

  “Sure thing, boss. I’ll call back in ten.”

  Kyle closed his phone and tucked it back I his pocket, replacing his hands on the wheel. His lips moved along to the song on the radio, ignoring my question.

  I reached over and flicked the radio off. “Who were you talking to?”

  Kaye smiled at me before turning his eyes back to the road. “That was Terrance. He is a wizard with a computer.”

  “Who the fuck is Terrance?”

  “My employee.”

  “What the hell kind of business are you in? I thought it was private security.”

  “Yup, and recovery. We do high stakes extractions and security.” Kyle flicked on his turn signal and slid into the exit lane.

  “And he’s going to, what? Get all the information about me?”


  We drove for several minutes before an electronic ring filled the silence. Kyle pulled out his phone and hit a button before setting the phone on his dash. “Tell me.”

  The voice, Terrance, replied, “Aura Bolton, twenty-four, address 1409 apt 624 Illia street. Born in Atlanta, graduated top of her class with a degree in business. Mother, Lily Bolton, deceased, father, Andrew Bolton, sixty-five, owner of the Bolton conglomerate. Doesn’t look like he is supporting Aura, she doesn’t sit on any board and she has no employment record except for records at Top Blood Confidential, which you know I can’t access because I set up the security on the damn business.”

  I stared at the phone with my mouth hanging open until Kyle chuckled.

  “Thanks, I’ll call back if I need more,” Kyle said, hanging up the phone and tucking it back I his pocket.

  “That was rude. And none of your business,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “You wouldn't tell me and I wanted to know.” He shrugged like it was no big deal.

  I gritted my teeth and turned my eyes back to the two-lane road ahead of us. It was going to be a long week.

  Chapter five


  I had her and was taking her home. This was the greatest day of my life. Everett’s teasing couldn't bring me down. Aura’s reluctance didn't even matter. I knew I would find her and here she was. She smelled sweet like honey. Her dark hair was thick, and I wanted to run my hands through it.

  My cock hardened in my pants at the idea, but I took a deep breath, calming myself. The Blood Fever was knocking at the door and would be in full swing by tomorrow, but I wanted to bite her now and taste her sweet blood.

  This was my chance to impress her though. I had a week to convince her to be mine before she would run back to her shitty apartment. I could be patient, but not that patient.

  I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye. Her full lips would look amazing around my cock. I could almost feel it sitting in the car as we tore down the driveway to my house. Our house.

  That thought brought a twitch in my pants and a grin to my face.

  “Here we are. Home sweet home.” I said as I stopped the car in front of the house. It wasn't as big as Everett's house, but it was still a nice home. The house had been cleaned top to bottom before I left, just in case I found my Blood Mate this time and I was thankful that I had thought ahead.

  I set the spare room up for her with all the essentials and the security I had built into the home made it safer than the white house.

  I glanced back at Aura; she was staring at the House as if it was art in a gallery. It was pretty to look at. I had added the gardens for my Blood Mate years ago and now here she was, admiring them.

  I stepped out and ran around the car to open her door before she could get out. I offered her my hand, but she just looked at it and raised an eyebrow.

  I took a step back, and she slid out on her own. I would have to remember she was an independent woman. Once she was mine, I could convince her to let my treat her the way she deserved. I raced to the back and grabbed her suitcase out of the trunk, then caught up with her as she passed the front gardens. Lilys and gladiolas bloomed in a bright wash of colours. Taking away from the coldness of the fortress beyond. I stepped up to the door and placed my hand on the palm reader which beeped, opening the door to allow us entrance.

  “I’ll get it set up for your palm too,” I said.

  She bit her lip and stepped through to the foyer. I tried to look at it through her eyes, but I had lived in the same house so long, it just looked like a house.

  “What are you thinking?” I whispered, studying her face.

  “You have a nice house. Where is my room?” she said, her face going carefully blank.

  “Upstairs, beside mine. Unless you want to share mine.”

  She scowled at me. “I already told you I wouldn't be your little mate. I have my own life.”

  I nodded. “I heard you. Just making the offer. Follow me.”

  I strode to the stairs, and she followed behind. My mind spun as I opened the door to the spare room that adjoined mine. It was decorated in light, soft colours that didn't quite match my new mate. She could redecorate my room though once she accepted our future together.

  She walked past me to the window and the scent of honey flooded my nose. Her cute ass was wrapped up tight in that short skirt, but the material was thin enough that her cheeks were defined. I imagined my hands caressing it and my teeth sliding through her skin, latching on to that perfect curve.

  Before she turned around, I adjusted my pants feeling like a teenager again.

  “Will this be all right?” I asked when I realized she was staring at me.

  “It’s fine. Do yo
u have wi-fi?”

  I gave her the password as she stared at her phone and then she turned away and flopped onto her stomach on the tall queen size bed, kicking off her shoes and waving her feet in the air behind her. It was the most perfect picture. I thought about taking out my phone and snapping one, but I didn't want her to call me a perv again.

  She glanced over her shoulder at me. “Do you need a bite?” she asked, looking perfectly unaffected by me.

  “Yes please,” I moaned out.

  “Jesus. Is this your first time? You are supposed to tell me when you are hungry, or just bite me. That's why I’m here and I won't have you going nuts on my watch.”

  She rose to her feet, much shorter without her shoes, and tossed her cell on the bed. The sight of her small feet, bare, on my floor turned me on even more. My eyes followed her pink painted toes as she approached, stopping right in front of me.

  “Have at it, big boy,” she said, pulling her hair out of the way and tipping her head to the side.

  Chapter six


  His breath hitched at my words and his hand moved in slow motion towards me, settling on my hip before his other hand moved to my shoulder. His expression was priceless, like a child at Christmas, finally getting to open the giant gift that had been sitting under the tree.

  I wanted to ruin it. My first reaction as to be impatient and tell him to hurry, but he was so hot I couldn't bring myself to stop it.

  His mouth led his body towards me as his heat surrounded me. His warm breath puffed against the skin of my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. I didn't just do this for the money; I loved the sharp stab of the bite. It was erotic even with vampires who couldn't be bothered to remember my name, so with adoring eyes and a swollen cock, Kyle was taking this one step further.

  Heat rushed low in my stomach as his body brushed up to mine. He was so tall, that he was nearly bent in two to reach my neck, now that we were pressed together, but his arm slipped from my shoulder to my back, cradling me with reverence.

  I was wrapped up in the vampire for a long moment before his teeth pressed slowly against my skin. So slowly, I felt the exact moment they punched through, releasing my blood.

  I gasped and melted against him, letting him hold me in place. My legs were weak and his solid body held me so easily.

  As he took his first pull, a soft moan escaped and my hands moved against my will to cup his head, running through his soft hair.

  His cock twitched in his pants and he slowly rubbed himself on my stomach, the feeling erotic and taboo. No vampire I worked for had ever come on to me before. They were typically reserved and kept to themselves unless they needed to drink.

  I thought for a moment to step back, but the heat of his body felt amazing and his cock was large and tempting. My eyes rolled back into my head as he sucked at my skin. The feeling dove straight to my clit and made me throb with heat.

  I writhed against him, sending another moan through his lips and into my neck. God, what was I doing?

  His mouth let go of my neck and his tongue licked my skin like I was ice cream. His beard tickled beneath my ear. He stepped away, taking all the delicious heat with him as he straightened. My eyes fluttered, and I realized I was breathing rapidly. My panties were soaked. I staggered back as Kyle's nostrils flared and he licked his lips, a wicked grin turning the corners of his mouth.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  I was too flustered to speak, so just nodded at him and stood there stupidly, wishing it hadn't ended so fast.

  I managed to compose myself before he did and I cleared my throat. “Hm, that's what I'm here for.”

  His grin grew, and he unashamedly adjusted his cock in his pants. I wanted to drop to my knees and free it so I could lick it until he came, but instead I stepped back bumping into the bed and fell back, landing on my ass on the soft mattress.

  “If you need anything, I’ll be right next door.” He pointed at a door I hadn't noticed that must join the room with one beside it.

  “Thanks,” I said, when I couldn't come up with anything else to say.

  Kyle turned and walked through the door, offering me a peek at a masculine bedroom. A tall steel framed bed stood opposite the door and grey slate tile covered the floor. I had no idea why a vampire needed a bedroom when he didn't sleep, but I wasn't about to ask him that. I needed a cold shower, stat. And maybe a stiff drink.

  I turned to find another door, thankful when it led to a bathroom and not another inexplicable bedroom.

  After a cool shower, I felt more in control of myself. I would not fall into bed with the vampire. He had too many long-term plans, and I was not interested. I scooped up my phone and messaged a few friends. They were all boring though, so I found a remote on the bed-side table and clicked on the television, flicking through channels until I found some stupid movie that was half over. It didn't matter. I just wanted the noise, anyway. I lay back on the pillows and closed my eyes.

  Chapter seven


  Her taste lingered on my tongue as I tried to focus on work. We had a new client who needed a complicated security rotation, and I had several resumes to review before the Terrance could run background checks on them. Business was good. It was a curse and a blessing.

  The phone rang, pulling me out of my work, not that I could focus.

  “Hello?” I said.

  “It’s me. What are you doing? Everett said you found your mate!” My sister's voice was way too loud on the phone.

  “Calm down, Alanna.”

  “I can’t calm down! I have two sisters! This is the best year. Can I come meet her?”

  “No,” I scolded.

  “What? Why not?”

  I sighed. “She isn't sure she wants to be my mate or anyone's mate for that matter. She just needs more time.”

  The line was silent for so long I thought maybe my sister had hung up.

  “This is no good. I’m coming over!” she said a second before the line went dead.

  “Shit,” I whispered, leaving my work behind since I wasn't doing it, anyway. I took the stairs down to the foyer, knowing my sister would be knocking in a matter of moments.

  At her perky knock, I pulled the door open and let her in. There would be no stopping her.

  “Where is she? Everett said her name was Aura?”

  “Yes,” I said with a heavy sigh. “She is in the spare room.”

  My sister disappeared, racing so fast I couldn't track her. I heard the knocking at the spare room door, then the door opening and closing.

  While I was downstairs, I decided I could at least do a bit of laundry. So, I fluffed and folded a load, switching the wash to the drier. I was just about to take a stack of towels upstairs when my sister came down with a laughing Aura and the air left my lungs.

  Aura’s hair was swept up on her head, a few tendrils hanging down and she had changed into tight red pants and a loose, low-cut top that shimmered in the light of my foyer.

  “What are you doing?” I asked unsteadily.

  “We are going to the new club, want to come, brother?”

  I bit my lip. “But I'm starting my Blood Fever.” My excuse was pathetic and my sister knew it. She popped a hip and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “You serious?” When I didn't answer, she grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the kitchen. “We’ll be right back, sister!” she said, making Aura laugh.

  As soon as the door swung shut, I dropped my laundry on the table. “What are you doing?” my voice was a harsh whisper and Alanna glared at me.

  “You are not like Everett; you can handle your Blood Fever and that girl needs to have fun and be free. You will not hold her under your thumb.”

  I scratched my jaw. “All right fine, but I’m coming and don't let any men touch her. She smells like honey.”

  My sister's posture melted. “Oh man, this is the best. You are so cute.”

  “I am not cute.” I straightened to all my six-foot-fiv
e and puffed my chest to add more size.

  Alanna's hand patted my chest. “Okay, Sweetie. Let’s go.” As we turned to leave the kitchen she added, “Is that what you are wearing?”

  I froze and looked down at myself. “Is this not right?” when was a suit not good enough?

  “Oh man. You are so old.”

  Alanna pushed passed me. “Kyle's coming too, he just has to change into something less old-mannish.”

  Alanna ran up the stairs ahead of me.

  “Sorry, I’ll just be a second,” I said to Aura, who had taken a seat in the armchair in the foyer.

  She smiled at me and my heart stuttered. “No problem. This will be fun.”

  “Kyle!” Alanna’s voice called from upstairs.

  I raced up to meet her, pulling my jacket off as I went. I loosened my tie and started undoing the buttons of my dress shirt, slipping the cuff links off.

  “Here, this will do. You can wear these jeans too.” Alanna set some things on my bed and then zoomed off, leaving me to change. I pulled on the tight t-shirt that she must have found in the bottom of my dresser and the torn jeans I usually wore when I was cleaning the floors. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked like a bum in clothes too small for myself. My pecs were on full display in the shirt and the jeans left little to the imagination.

  I walked down the stairs to find my sister and mate laughing together until Aura spotted me.

  The laughing died, and she licked her lips like I was the most delicious thing she’d ever seen.

  Alanna’s eyes moved from me to Aura and back to me again before a self-satisfied smile slid across her face.

  I took the rest of the steps, stopping close to Aura and pulling her honey sweet smell into my nostrils. My cock twitched, and I had to step back or risk an embarrassing evening. I offered her my arm, but she took my fingers in her, entwining our hands. That was just as good as having my mate on my arm.

  “Shall we?” I asked.

  “Yes, we shall!” Alanna said, opening my front door and ushering us out.

  “You riding with us, Alanna?” I asked as we approached the Jeep.