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Blood Bite Thirst Page 3

  “Nah, I’ll meet you guys there. Never know who I might pick up.” She laughed, but I had seen the men she had picked up, it wasn’t so much a joke.

  “See you there,” I said, opening the door for my beautiful mate and settling her into the seat before sliding behind the wheel, ready to attack this. I could handle a dance club. I could.

  Chapter eight


  When we rolled up to the club, I could tell it would be a great night. The music pumped loud enough I could hear it from inside the jeep and the lineup was around the block.

  My stomach rattled with excitement. I glanced at Kyle, but he looked worried instead of exited. “What’s wrong?”

  His eyes shifted to mine, and he grinned. “Nothing. This looks like fun.”

  I could tell he was lying but appreciated the effort. His sister had explained that Kyle was very old fashioned and she begged me to give him a chance. I still wasn't about to be his Blood Mate, but I could make this week work. One week.

  “Come on,” I said.

  He slid out and came around to open my door. I took his hand and waved to Alanna who was right behind us in her powder blue convertible. She waved over the windshield and hopped out. “You guys ready to party?” she yelled as she ran up to us.

  “Yes!” I cried, thankful to have found someone who liked to have fun as much as I did.

  Kyle kept scanning the room as if the boogie-man was going to jump out at any moment, but I held onto his hand and led him to the bar where I pressed between two men sitting on stools.

  I glanced back at Kyle, but he was baring his teeth at one of the guys beside me. “What the hell?” I yelled as the man scurried away, but Kyle just shrugged and lifted me by the waist to sit me on the stool. I hadn't wanted to sit down, my skirt was a bit short for it, but once I was there, I found I could see the bartender and he noticed me when I waved.

  I ordered a drink for myself and one for Kyle, but thankfully he paid for them, since I had no money. Not yet, anyway. I could pay him back in a week. With that settled in my mind, I turned on the stool to watch the crowd of people dancing.

  My stomach fluttered at the idea of dancing with Kyle. I didn't want to lead him on, but at the same time, he was the best-looking man in the place. The way his shirt displayed his thick chest and his jeans, a bit too tight, accented his muscular ass made my insides melt. I gulped my drink and set it down on the bar, then hopped off and went to join Alanna who was already dancing with a group of men and women who looked pretty well sloshed. I would need a few more drinks, but dancing always made the party better.

  When I glanced over my shoulder, Kyle had taken the seat I was in and he watched me unabashedly with a grin on his face. I slowed my walk, but moved my hips more, satisfied that he was watching me. When I made my way to the group Alanna was dancing with, I kept my back to the vampire and shook my hips sensually. Alanna’s eyes flicked over my shoulder and then back to me, her grin huge on her face.

  “You are so bad,” she said, loud over the music.

  Then time seemed to fly past, I danced and moved to the heavy beat, feeling the burn of Kyle’s eyes on me. I returned to him twice to get another drink, but I never felt his eyes wander. Finally, I turned and danced for him. I was feeling the alcohol, but not enough that I couldn't dance. It took more than a few drinks to knock me off my high-heels. His eyes traced up and down my body from across the crowded room, and I made sure to stay where he could see me.

  I had thoughts about how cruel it was, but it felt good to tease him and alcohol drastically lowered my inhibitions.

  It had to be near closing time when I felt hands curl around my hips from behind. I was still facing Kyle, so I knew it wasn't him, but between one blink and the next, Kyle disappeared and so did the hands on my body. A loud roar behind me had me spinning so fast I almost tipped over.

  Kyle had a man pinned to the wall, his feet off the ground.

  “Whoa!” Alanna yelled, grabbing her brother's arm. “Put him down!”

  The music continued, but many people had stopped to watch the action. Kyle’s nostrils flared and his lips pulled back exposing his canines.

  “Kyle!” I yelled and his head turned to look at me. I didn't know what to say to de-escalate the situation, but I was drunk so I just blurted the first thing that came to mind. “Come dance with me.”

  Kyle dropped the man to the floor and strode to me like a bull. His eyes wide and round beneath lowered brow. The look was so aggressive coming from the giant of a man, that I took a step backwards inadvertently tripping over my stupid shoe. Strong arms caught me before I could fall and I was suddenly pressed to Kyle’s wide chest.

  His arms changed from steel bars to soft comfort in a heartbeat and then he was moving my body to the rhythm. The air was sticky and electric between us. His body pressed tight to mine, left no room for doubt. The big man wanted me and I definitely wanted him.

  Past his shoulder I saw Alanna hold up her phone in the universal signal to call her, then she grinned and walked out the door with a handsome thin man wearing low-slung jeans and no shirt. His back was covered in tattoos and I thought I saw the flash of a lip ring as he turned his head. I giggled, but then got lost in the feel of the strong arms and hot body writhing against mine.

  Chapter nine


  I wanted to rip the idiot man apart and could have easily, if Aura hadn't called me to dance with her. Her small tight body fit right in my hands. She smelled so good as I dragged her scent in, pressing my nose to the skin of her neck. She shivered in my arms and I held her tighter. The club was hot, though many people had already left for the night. Closing time was only a half hour away, that would never be enough time to enjoy her body in my arms.

  Aura rubbed her cheek on my chest sending a contented purr from my lips. I prayed she hadn't heard it over the music, but continued to indulge in the feeling of her pressed against me. My cock twitched to life, but I wouldn't dare step back. If she felt it, I didn't care. I wanted her to know I wanted her.

  My Blood Fever was starting and the smell of her blood beneath her skin was intoxicating.

  Her fingers toyed with the hairs on the back of my neck, seeding shocks of lust down my spine and straight to my hardening cock. Aura’s hips moved, grinding on my erection as if she wanted to make me crazy and when I looked into her eyes, I saw at twinkle of mischief.

  “Are you teasing me?” I whispered into her ear.

  Her hot breath on the side of my face, nearly killed me. “Maybe,” she whispered back.

  Oh, the bad girl. I knew in my mind she was drunk enough that I couldn't take advantage of her, but my cock didn't care as it enjoyed the rub of her stomach through our clothes. I promised myself I wouldn't let it go too far, and dropped my mouth down to her lips. They parted immediately, her soft tongue lapping at mine.

  We danced and kissed, her body pressing at mine as I slowly lost all control. But when the lights came up, and the music went down, I got ahold of myself. Shaking off the desire to mate with her and keep her forever.

  I was strong enough to resist and I would prove myself worthy of my little seductress.

  I stopped dancing, but kept her tight to my side as we moved to the door. She walked a straight line, but I knew how many drinks she’d had. Too many.

  I sucked in the cool night air as soon as we were outside. The night was clear, with a few stars visible despite the city lights. I wondered if I could convince her to sit with me outside for a little while when we got home, but as I packed her into the Jeep, she yawned and her eyes slid shut. She needed to go to bed. I could wait to enjoy the night with her, for now, I would be her friend.

  “Thank you,” she murmured, her eyes lidded.

  “Anytime, my sweet mate.”

  When she didn't object to my use of the endearing term, my heart fluttered in my chest. I shut her door and circled to get in on the other side. I started the engine and pulled out in to traffic, cautious of the precious cargo I was transporting. The Jeep had bulletproof windows and panels, and advanced safety features including top-of-the-line breaks, but I still wanted to protect Aura with every fibre of my being.

  I cruised down the highway, watching my mirrors and didn't relax until I pulled up to the front of my house. The security light over the door flicked on at the movement of the car, illuminating the front yard as if it were daytime.

  “Aura, we’re home,” I whispered.

  She groaned and moved, but didn't open her eyes. So, I stepped out and circled the car, opening her door and catching her head, so she didn't fall out against her seatbelt.

  I unclicked the belt and lifted her from the seat. Her sweet blood pumped slowly, and I licked her neck despite my reservations about her drunk state. I didn't need to drink from her tonight.

  I carried her small form up the steps and pressed my hand to the lock pad, gaining entrance. I shut off the alarm and then reactivated it, since I was in for the night. If anyone attempted to open the door, the alarm would immediately alert me and my team who were always on standby.

  I carried my precious mate to her bed and lay her down, pulling her high-heeled shoes off her feet.

  When I returned to her head, pulling the blanket up to her chin, she moaned and reached out for me. Her hands curled behind my head, pulling me closer until our lips met.

  I had thought she was asleep, but when she threw back the blanket and pressed up into me, I knew she wasn't.

  “Stay with me,” she whispered, pushing my shirt up and ruining her warm hands up my chest.

  My cock was immediately at attention again. Ready and willing to dive in and pound her small body until she was screaming my name, but the last thread of logic hadn't left me. So, I gave her one last kiss, then stepped out of her grasp, pulling the blanket back over her.

  “Another time, perhaps,” I said, adjusting my pants and straightening to my full height.

  She pouted up at me, but her eyes were heavy and she could barely keep them open.

  I smiled down at her and watched as she drifted off. My instinct was to stay and watch over her, but I had work to do before the morning. Her scent lingered on my shirt and that would have to hold me over until she woke.

  Chapter ten


  My head was pounding. I couldn't believe I had a hangover. I hadn't drunk that much. Okay, I had drunk a lot, but not so much I forgot the way Kyle had carried me up to bed and tucked me in like a gentleman. It was sweet.

  I pulled the blanket up over my head and started to drift off, but there was a knocking at my door. It was insistent but gentle.

  “Who is it?” I asked, staying under the blanket.

  “Kyle, I have to leave for work in an hour and thought you might like to have a shower and breakfast before we go.”

  I needed more than a shower and food. I needed pain killers and coffee. “Thanks,” I replied.

  “Okay. I’ll just wait for you here.”

  “If you need a bite, you can come in,” I said, peeling back the blanket to peek at the door. Kyle opened the door slowly, walking in with a timid look on his face.

  “Hi,” I said.

  “Good morning. I’ll be quick.” He flashed forward, looming over me with a look of complete hunger on his face.

  I pulled the blanket down and scooped my hair out of the way. It had fallen out of the complicated hair style Alanna had put it in the night before and was all crunchy with hair spray, but Kyle only had eyes for my jugular.

  He leaned down, carefully not touching me except for his teeth, which traced my vein in a slow motion before sliding in.

  I moaned, and that seemed to set the big vampire free. He scooped up my upper body, pulling me tight to his chest as his mouth worked on my skin. The soft sound of his swallows rang though the room as sparks lit my body on fire.

  My hands slid up his arms to tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck and the pressure low in my stomach was almost more than I could stand.

  Kyle slowly lowered me to the bed, his weight pressing down on me as he lined up his body on top of mine on the mattress. His overwhelming presence made my body go weak, and the air rushed in and out of my lungs as I longed for his big hands to touch me.

  “Please,” I begged.

  His hand moved from my shoulder down my chest to cup my breast and I nearly came from that alone. His hand kneaded my breast through my clothes and I prayed my shirt would catch fire and burn away so he could touch my skin.

  His thick length pressed low on my pelvis, hard and hot. He shifted his weight to his knee and elbow as he finished drinking and licked the puncture. I nearly sobbed as he pulled away, but instead of leaving, he slid down my body, taking the blanket with him, kissing and licking my skin until he reached my panties.

  My fingers had followed, holding his head and when he looked up at me, his fingertips under the edge of my panties, I saw the look of longing in his eyes.

  “Can I?” he asked.

  “Yes, please,” I said, my voice raspy with need.

  He grinned and tugged down my underwear, sliding it off my legs and then kissing his way back up my calf, to my thigh and pausing at my wet entrance. His eyes had slid to a red colour and gazed at me with fire and lust.

  I grew impatient and made a needy sound that I had never made before. He didn't make me wait any longer. His mouth fell on my core, his tongue and teeth teasing and circling my clit as his hands continued to run up and down my thighs.

  “Oh fuck,” I cried as he flicked the tender flesh with his tongue.

  His thick hands pressed my knees out, opening me wider for him and then two fingers slid inside me, the stretch feeling delicious in my heated channel.

  All thoughts of a mate bond and how much I didn't want that disappeared as my body and mind gave in to the growing pressure. I chased the rush of feelings until I was screaming Kyle’s name and writhing against him. My legs clamped onto his head as I rode out my orgasm and collapsed back feeling complete and relaxed and boneless.

  An orgasm was a great cure for hang-over.

  Kyle crawled up my body, licking his fingers that had been inside me.

  “Mmm,” he groaned. “You are delicious.”

  He stopped with his head on my chest, staring into my eyes and grinning.

  I didn't know what to say. I didn't want him thinking this meant I wanted to be his mate, but at the same time, this would be a terribly long week if he didn't do that and more again.

  I usually didn't do relationships with anyone, human or vampire, but maybe I could bend my rules, just for this week.

  “One week,” I whispered, knowing he would catch my meaning.

  I thought his smile said that he was sure it would be longer than that, but that could have been me reading too much into it.

  “Whatever you say,” he kissed my breast through the shirt I still wore and then pulled the blanket up to cover me and rolled off.

  “We really will be late, if you don't get up now,” he said, walking out the door.

  Damn it. I shot to my feet and crossed to the bathroom. A cold shower would help. Hopefully.

  Chapter eleven


  I left her room by the adjoining door so I could quickly shower and change. I had cum in my pants like a teenage boy. I hoped that Aura hadn’t noticed; she seemed too satiated to lift her head as I stepped through the door, reminding her at the last second that I was late for work.

  When I tied my tie, dressed in clean clothes, I glanced at the clock and it was already too late. I was surprised the guys hadn't called to see why I wasn't in the meeting. I pictured them all sitting around the conference table with bored expressions and felt even worse.

  When I stepped out of my room, I could hear glasses clinking, so followed the sound down to the kitchen where I found Aura loading the dishwasher. She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, but looked just as delicious as she had in that short dress.

  “Hey,” she said shyly. “Um, I was just tidying up.”

  “Thank you,” I said, checking my pockets to be sure I had everything. “Did you get something to eat?”

  I looked up at her in time to see her eyes studying my crotch and I grinned.

  “Sorry, yes.” She turned around and clicked the dishwasher on, but I thought I caught a shade of red on her cheeks. Adorable.

  “All right, let’s head out. I’m sorry, it will be a boring day.”

  “That’s fine. I have my phone, I can play games or whatever,” she said, stuffing her phone into the pocket of her jeans. Her t-shirt was fitted and accentuated her body in an understated kind of way. She had her hair pulled up in a bun and I could tell I was going to be distracted by every inch of her the whole day. Her scent was arousing, but she was a feast for my eyes.

  I led her out the door and reset the alarms before opening the passenger door of my jeep and making sure she was situated in the seat.

  The drive to my office was a pleasant one. Aura told me about her father’s desire for her to either return to school or join him in the family business after I threatened to have Terrance look in to it. She only seemed mildly pissed off by my threat. She was pretty adorable when she huffed and pouted, but I would never tell her that.

  When we pulled up to the Holland Security building, Aura’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. It was a tall building and our offices were on the top floors, but we also owned the sub floors where we kept the vehicles and any people we needed to retain or restrain. Not all the business was exactly above board, but that was between me and the special ops guys I employed.

  I drove into the underground parking, the big door sliding shut behind us and casting us in the darkness of the underground level.

  “So, you are pretty rich, then?” she asked, not really sounding impressed. I wasn't surprised, since she came from a wealthy family and from what I had gathered about her father’s corporation, he was much wealthier than I was.

  “I do okay,” I said, killing the engine in my usual parking space and slipping out. I opened her door and helped her down. The jeans and t-shirt still hadn't lost their allure. She looked beautiful all dressed up, and dressed down. I couldn't resist her. I leaned in and kissed her, immediately feeling like it was a mistake.